A Whirlwind June

A Whirlwind June

Firstly I'd like to say a big thank you for all the support with everything especially to my mum who has been incredible in helping with the workshop and just being a huge support in general! 

The workshops at Sea View were a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came - I'm putting the work in the kiln this weekend (hopeful to get the glaze firing done too but that might be a bit too optimistic as it depends on the clay)!

I was quite nervous to 'teach' for the first time but went in with a really honest approach - everyone could make what they want to make, I'll show you the techniques and help when required and most of all we're there to have a good time...  It was such a good time that I'm in the process of getting some more booked in at Sea View and looking at doing a taster workshop locally too. 

Throughout June I was also having a bit of a game of cat and mouse with a particular glaze for a local wholesale order. After multiple tests and asking a lot of people a lot of questions I had to do some maths and use a bit of luck to input my own firing setting which only went and worked! More on this soon!

In other news I've got a market coming up in August which is my first in a while so I'm trying to put a body of work together but also trying to go with a laid back approach. I'm going to try and put together a list of all my markets and upcoming events on the website but Rome wasn't built in a day!

There's certainly been a lot going on and I'm definitely forgetting more than half of it - if you want a more accurate record of what's going on, Instagram is my most frequent place of posting. 

I am aiming to upload some pieces for sale on here soon - maybe that'll be next weekend! 

Thank you again x

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